Affluence Investment Fund Report Dec 2017
Affluence Investment Fund

Affluence Investment Fund Report December 2017

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To view the Affluence Investment Fund Report December 2017 in pdf format, click here.

The Affluence Investment Fund provides access to a diversified investment portfolio of the best fund managers as selected by Affluence. We target distributions of 5%pa, paid monthly and total annualised returns of at least inflation plus 5% over 3-year periods. We aim to deliver these returns with less volatility than the stock market.

Report summary

The Affluence Investment Fund also had another strong month in December, increasing by 1.3%.

Since commencing in December 2014, the Fund has returned 10.5% per annum. This includes 6.8% per annum monthly distributions to investors and a 3.7% per annum increase in the unit price. Over that same period, the Fund has outperformed our benchmark of 6.9% per annum (inflation plus 5%). Fund returns have also exceeded the ASX 200 (including dividends) of 9.1% per annum.

Key positive contributors during the month included the Cyan C3G Fund (up 4.5%), the Ellerston GEMS Fund (up 4.5%), the Phoenix Opportunities Fund (up 3.7%) and the Cooper Investors Brunswick Fund (up 2.9%). Negative performers amongst the portfolio were minimal. A number of our global funds negatively impacted by a strengthening Australia dollar.

A number of existing holdings were topped up this month, as new investors entered the Fund. We ended the month with more cash than we had at the beginning.

At month end, 58% of the Fund was invested in unlisted funds, 16% in the Affluence LIC Fund, 9% in listed investments, and 17% in cash.

If you would like to invest with us and access a diverse range of some of Australia’s best fund managers, visit the fund page. There, you can get information on the Fund, apply online or download the application pack. To add to your existing investment in the Fund, you can complete the one-page form available here, or use the online facility.

The cut-off for this month’s applications is 25 January. Units will be issued effective 1 February.

Learn more

Visit the Affluence Investment Fund page.

See the Affluence Investment Fund Portfolio here (you must be an Affluence Member to view)

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