Our Funds

We manage four Funds on behalf of our investors. Each seeks to provide a combination of regular income and long-term capital growth and provides access to a wide variety of investment managers across different asset classes and types of investments.

A comparison of our funds is below.

Click the Learn More button to visit the Fund page and view additional information including performance history and offer documents.

Information about Product Design & Distribution Obligations (DDO) for those parties, such as investment platforms and financial advisors, that distribute our products is available here.

Income Trust
Investment Fund
LIC Fund
Small Company Fund
Who can invest?
All Investors.All Investors.
All Investors.Eligible Investors.
What asset classes does the fund have exposure to?Fixed Income.All asset classes.ASX listed stocks, some global listed stocks and selected other asset classes.ASX Small Companies.
What is the investment objective?The fund aims to provide you with:

• Access to a highly diversified portfolio of fixed income assets.

• A minimum distribution equal to the RBA Cash Rate plus 3% per annum, paid monthly.

• Preservation of capital over rolling 3 year periods after payment of distributions.
The fund aims to provide you with:

• A minimum distribution yield of 5% per annum, paid monthly.

• A total annualised return (distributions plus increase in unit price) of at least inflation plus 5% over rolling 3-year periods.

• Access to a diversified portfolio of underlying investments.

• Volatility of returns which is less than half that of the ASX 200 Index, measured over rolling 3-year periods.
The fund aims to provide you with:

• A total annualised return (distributions plus increase in unit price) after all fees and costs in excess of the ASX 200 Index over rolling 3-year periods.

• Access to a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity based investments.

• Volatility of returns which is significantly less than the ASX 200 Index, measured over rolling 3-year periods.

• A minimum distribution yield of 5% per annum, paid quarterly.
The fund aims to provide you with:

• Access to a diversified portfolio of predominantly ASX Small Companies.

• A total annualised return in excess of the ASX Small Ordinaries Index over rolling 5 year periods.

• A minimum distribution yield of 5% per annum, paid quarterly.

• Volatility of returns which is less than the ASX Small Ordinaries.
How is the fund’s investment portfolio constructed?The Fund provides access to a highly diversified fixed income portfolio, with a focus on maximising returns with low volatility.The fund provides access to 20-35 investment managers across all asset classes, predominantly through a diversified portfolio of unlisted managed funds.The fund provides access to Australian and some global listed stocks and selected other assets through a portfolio of 20-35 ASX Listed Investment Companies (LICs).The fund provides access to ASX Smaller Companies through a diversified portfolio of funds run by the best micro, small and mid-cap equity investment managers.
What is the fund’s return benchmark?RBA Cash Rate plus 3%.Inflation plus 5%.ASX 200 Accumulation Index.ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index.
Is the fund open?Open for investment.Open for investment.Open for investment.Open for Eligible Investors.
When can I apply?Monthly.Monthly.Monthly.Monthly.
When can I withdraw?Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly.
What are Affluence fees?*Zero fixed management fee. Performance fee of 10% of positive performance after recovering any previous underperformance.Zero fixed management fee. Performance fee of 12.5% of positive performance after recovering any previous underperformance.Zero fixed management fee. Performance fee of 12.5% of positive performance after recovering any previous underperformance.Zero fixed management fee. Performance fee of 12.5% of positive performance after recovering any previous underperformance.
What is the buy/sell spread?0.10%/0.10%0.25%/0.25%0.10%/0.10%0.35%/0.35%
How often are distributions paid?Monthly.MonthlyQuarterlyQuarterly
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*There are also other expenses associated with the funds and their underlying investments which are fully disclosed in the offer documents.

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And we believe it’s important that you understand how we invest before you consider putting your money to work with us.

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