Affluence Small Company Fund May 2018
Affluence Small Company Fund

Affluence Small Company Fund May 2018

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Home » Affluence Small Company Fund May 2018

To view the full Affluence Small Company Fund May 2018 report in pdf format, click here.

The Fund provides access to a diversified portfolio of small companies via unlisted managed funds selected by Affluence.

We believe that smaller companies can provide higher returns over time than the ASX 200 index. Investing in smaller companies through different managers, investment strategies and structures can help to reduce risk.

Report Summary

The ASX Small Ordinaries Index increased by 3.7% in May, with the ASX200 Index advancing by 1.1%. The Affluence Small Company Fund had a reasonable month and increased 1.1%. The Fund has now returned 8.5% per annum since inception in April 2016. The Fund has underperformed its benchmark (ASX Small Ordinaries) since inception. But it has delivered its returns with less volatility than the ASX Small Ordinaries.

Our best performing funds this month were the Microequities Deep Value Fund (up 4.6%) and the Spheria Australian Microcap Fund (up 1.8%).

At the end of the month, the Affluence Small Company Fund held investments in 6 unlisted funds (including the Affluence LIC Fund) representing 95% of the total portfolio. The balance 5% was cash.

Learn more

Visit the Affluence Small Company Fund page.

We have identified a number of other outstanding small-cap managers to add to the portfolio in coming months. In order to make these additional investments, we are considering undertaking a small capital raising in the Fund.

If you are interested in investing in the Affluence Small Company Fund, and you qualify as a Wholesale or Sophisticated investor, please let us know.

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