Today, Affluence announced the addition of the Affluence Investment Fund to the HUB24 investment platform, allowing financial advisors and their clients who use HUB24 to access the Fund.

A copy of the full media release is below.
Media Release
Boutique fund manager Affluence Funds Management has had its Affluence Investment Fund added to the HUB24 platform.
The Fund has substantially exceeded its aim of delivering returns of inflation plus 5% over rolling three-year periods, while having less than half the volatility of the ASX200.
Affluence CEO Daryl Wilson said that the Affluence Investment Fund approach was based on diversification through investing with a wide range of best of breed managers across different investment styles, asset classes and geographies, plus an awareness of downside risk management.
“The results to date have been impressive, but just as importantly, have been achieved with a high degree of consistency,” Mr Wilson said. “We put this down to the way in which we diversify the portfolio, as well as the access to an array of managers with very impressive track records.”
“We’re seeing a significant increase in interest in the fund in recent times, with the combination of monthly distributions, good returns and very low volatility having significant appeal to those looking for all-weather investment options in a world where market valuations for most assets are perceived as too high right now,”. Mr Wilson said. “We are pleased that advisers using the HUB24 platform now have the opportunity to access our fund.”
The Affluence Investment Fund has been extremely successful since commencement in late 2014, with annualised returns exceeding the target by 2.7% per annum. The Fund has a five-star rating from Morningstar and a five-crown rating from FE and is a top quartile performer in its sector over three years.