Income Trust

Unit Prices

As at 28 Feb 2025

Buy Price$1.0033
NAV Price$1.0023
Sell Price$1.0013

View price, distribution and tax history

Investment Objective & Strategy

The Affluence Income Trust aims to provide you with:

  • A minimum distribution equal to the RBA Cash Rate plus 3% per annum, paid monthly.
  • Preservation of capital over rolling 3 year periods after payment of distributions.
  • Access to a highly diversified portfolio of fixed income assets, with a focus on maximising returns with low volatility.

The Affluence Income Trust’s Key Features

Diverse Fixed Income Portfolio

Access a portfolio of thousands of loans managed by a range of specialist fixed income managers selected by Affluence.

Not Your Usual Fixed Income Fund

We have significant flexibility to add value by adapting the portfolio to changing market conditions.

Start small and add to your Investment

Start with at least $20,000 and grow your investment over time by adding from as little as $1,000.

Monthly Applications and Withdrawals

Your application funds are held in a trust account while awaiting processing.

Monthly Distributions

Distributions are generally paid around 10 days after the end of each month.

Distribution Reinvestment

Distributions can be reinvested to compound the returns on your investment.

You only pay us for Performance

We charge no fixed fee, just a performance fee of 10% of positive total returns. Other expenses of the fund are as disclosed in the PDS.

Regular Fund Updates

Receive monthly reports detailing the Fund’s performance, strategy and portfolio.

Introduction to the Affluence Income Trust

In this webinar we cover why we started the Affluence Income Fund, the opportunities in Fixed Income, the current portfolio construction and the key features of the Fund.

Affluence Income Trust Performance

Affluence Income Trust Performance

To 28 February 20251 month3 months6 months1 yearInception
Income Distributions0.6%1.9%3.8%7.7%7.7%
Change in Unit Price (Capital Growth)0.0%(0.1%)(0.1%)0.0%0.1%
Affluence Income Trust Total Return0.6%1.8%3.7%7.7%7.8%
Benchmark – RBA Cash Rate plus 3%0.6%1.8%3.7%7.3%7.3%
Performance against Benchmark0.0%0.0%0.0%0.4%0.5%

Performance is calculated using NAV unit prices, net of fees and costs (excluding buy sell spread) and assumes distributions are reinvested. Returns of more than one year are annualised. The Fund aims to pay distributions monthly. Inception date is 28 July 2023. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

20230.7%0.6%0.6%0.7%0.7% 3.4%

Performance is calculated using NAV unit prices, net of fees and costs (excluding the buy sell spread) and assumes distributions are reinvested. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Portfolio Summary

Risk Disclosure

As with all investments, the Fund is subject to risks. If these risks eventuate, they may result in a reduction in the value of your investment in the Fund and/or a reduction or cessation of distributions. Distributions are not guaranteed, nor is the return of your capital. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

It is important that you know that the value of your investment will go up and down over time, the Fund’s returns will vary over time, future returns may differ from past returns, and returns are not guaranteed. All of this means that there is always the chance that you could lose money on your investment.

As set out in the product disclosure statement dated 16 January 2024 (PDS), key risks include concentration risk, economic and market risk, legal and regulatory risk, manager and key person risk, liquidity risk, leverage risk and currency risk. AFM aims, where possible, to actively manage risks. However, some risks are outside our control.

Fund Documents

Fund Flyer
The Affluence Income Trust flyer provides Fund information and key statistics.

View Flyer

Latest Fund Report
Download the latest report, including market commentary & information on the Affluence Income Trust performance.

Introductory Presentation
Download the Introduction to the Affluence Income Trust to learn more about the Fund.

View Presentation

Investor Forms
Application documents for our Funds and forms for additional investments, change of details and withdrawals.

Investor Forms

How To Invest In The
Affluence Income Trust


Read the PDS

Before making any decision to invest, you should read and understand the Fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). You should also read the Target Market Determination (TMD) and ensure the Fund is appropriate for your personal circumstances and financial objectives. You may wish to consult with your financial or other advisor in making this assessment.

You can download the PDS and TMD, invest online or download paper application forms by clicking the Invest Now button below.


Make an

Applications are accepted monthly. The cut-off for applications is the 25th of each month. Completed applications received by this date are processed as at the 1st of the next month.

To invest in the Fund, you must complete an application form. If you have not invested with Affluence previously, you will also need to provide identification information and answer some questions which we will use to assess whether you are in the target market for the Fund. We may seek further information from you and reserve the right to reject an application if we consider you are not within the target market.

Investors can complete the relevant application form attached to the PDS or apply securely online through our registry services provider Registry Direct. Applying online can be significantly easier and faster than paper-based applications and provides the option to verify or upload your identification information online, reducing the need to provide certified copies of documents.

See More


Provide documents
and make payment

Complete an online application or send the paper application documents (including any required Identification Documents) to us for processing.

Make payment of the application amount. Payments can be made via cheque or electronic transfer.

You will receive an acknowledgement as soon as possible after the Fund registrar receives your application documents and funds. You will receive your investment confirmation once the application has been processed. This normally occurs 7 – 10 days after the end of the month in which your application is accepted.

Affluence Income Trust Updates

Keep up to date with the changes to the Fund’s portfolio, fundamentals and performance.

View previous Fund News & Updates

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum investment amount?
The minimum initial investment amount is $20,000. You can add additional amounts later from as little as $1,000. Applications are processed monthly. Application funds awaiting processing are held in a trust account.
Can I withdraw my investment at any time?
You can lodge a withdrawal request form at any time. Withdrawals are generally processed monthly and paid out within 10 business days after the end of the month, although we reserve the right to process these less frequently in exceptional circumstances.
Does the Fund target a certain level of distributions
The Fund aims to provide you with a minimum distribution yield equal to the RBA Cash Rate plus 3% per annum, paid monthly.  Generally, distributions will consist of a share of the income the Fund receives during the year from its investments, plus any gains from sales of investments, less costs (including our performance fees). Distribution rates may be smoothed to ensure consistency but are based on our assessment of the expected earnings of the Fund’s investment portfolio over time. See here for the full distribution history of the Fund.
When do distributions get paid?
Distributions are generally paid 10 days after the end of each month. Distributions are paid to your nominated bank account or can be reinvested if you wish.
Are distributions franked?
No. Because the majority of the income of the Fund is generated from fixed income investments, the Fund is unlikely to generate a significant amount of franking credits.
What information will you send me after I invest?
You will receive a monthly report outlining the Fund portfolio and performance, monthly distribution advices, annual investment statements, and an annual tax statement with details of the amounts to be included in your tax return.
What fees and costs will I pay?
Affluence does not charge any fixed fee for managing the Fund. Instead, we charge a performance fee of 10% of the Fund’s positive returns (after recovering any previous negative performance). Affluence also recovers certain costs from the Fund. These cost recoveries are generally capped at 0.25% of the net assets of the Fund per annum. Other costs are also payable. These fees and costs are not paid by you directly but are paid out of the assets of the Fund. All Fund performance numbers shown are after allowance for these fees and costs. You may also pay fees to a financial advisor or investment platform operator if you invest through them. These fees are not paid to Affluence or the Fund. Please refer to the PDS for more information about fees and costs.

Have any questions about the Affluence Income Trust?

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