Affluence Investment Fund Insights
View All Insights Affluence Income Trust, Affluence Investment Fund, Affluence LIC Fund, Affluence Members, Affluence Small Company Fund, Fund Updates
Below is the June 2024 financial year distribution and tax information and estimated dates for the end of financial year processes. As each item is completed, we will update the information. The end of the financial year is a busy time …
Affluence Income Trust, Affluence Investment Fund, Affluence LIC Fund, Affluence Members, Affluence Small Company Fund, Education, Fund Updates, Investment Markets
Introduction It feels like we are stuck in the twilight zone. In 2023, investors oscillated between believing inflation was sticky and economies were heading for trouble, and the perfect scenario where central banks had engineered a beautiful ‘soft landing’ with inflation …
Affluence Investment Fund, Affluence LIC Fund, Affluence Small Company Fund, Education, Investment Markets
Interest rates & inflation Legendary debt investor Howard Marks periodically releases memos on how he sees the investing world. In December, he wrote that he is seeing just the third “sea change” in financial markets in his 53 years. For the …